In comparing fractions with similar numerators, we take notice of their denominators. The smaller the denominator, the bigger the value.
Look at the fractions below.
1/2 is bigger than 1/3.
How about these fractions? Which is bigger? Write >, < or = in the blank.
1. 1/2 _____ 1/4
2. 1/7 _____ 1/3
3. 1/5 _____ 1/5
4. 1/9 _____ 1/6
5. 1/5 _____ 1/2
6. 1/2 _____ 1/4
7. 1/3 _____ 1/3
8. 1/6 _____ 1/4
9. 1/3 _____ 1/9
10.1/8_____ 1/7
More Exercises:
I. Encircle the bigger fraction.
2. 1/9 1/4
3. 1/3 1/5
4. 1/8 1/7
5. 1/4 1/2
II. Box the smaller fraction
2. 1/8 1/9
3. 1/2 1/6
4. 1/5 1/3
5. 1/3 1/6
Write a fraction in a blank that makes the comparison true.
2. 1/8 > ______
3. 1/4 < ______
4. 1/6 > ______
5. 1/3 < ______