Physical Change and Chemical Change

Sarah put 1 tablespoon of sugar into a glass of water. After stirring the mixture, she couldn't see the sugar granules anymore.

Even though we cannot see the granules anymore, the chemical formula of the sugar remains the same.  The molecules of sugar just mix with the molecules of water. This is an example of a physical change. 

On the other hand, if you burn sugar, smoke is produced and the sugar turns into a darker brown. These new substances show that the process brought a chemical change. 

Can you tell if each change is physical or chemical?
  1. papers are shredded
  2. wood is burned
  3. a paper bag is folded
  4. P.E.T bottle is crushed
  5. water boils
  6. fish is fried 
  7. wood pulp turns white after bleaching
  8. peanuts rot
  9. chocolate melts
  10. grasses turn brown