
More Exercises in Rounding Numbers

In rounding numbers, it's important to know the place values. 

The place value of each digit in the number 7, 035, 943, 579:

How to round numbers?

1.Keep the number you are rounding if it is followed by 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0 and rewrite the rest of the digits as zero.


Round 631 to the nearest hundreds. 

The number in hundreds place is 6. The number in the tens place is 3, which is the nearest number to 6. We keep number 6, then rewrite  3 and 1 to 0 and 0. 631 becomes 600.

2.Add one to the number you are rounding if it is followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 and rewrite the rest of the digits as zero.

Round 1, 586, 584 to the nearest millions.

The number next to the millions place is five. Add 1 to 1 and rewrite the rest of the digits as zero.

2, 000, 000 

More examples...

More exercises....

I. Round to the nearest hundred thousand. 

  1.  9,678,494 = _______________________
  2.  9,920,108 = _______________________
  3.  3,481,224 = _______________________
  4.  2,370,396 = _______________________
  5.  8,133,428 = _______________________
  6.  6,907,446 = _______________________
  7.  1,857,720 = _______________________
  8.  2,139,569 = _______________________
  9.  6,234,444 = _______________________
  10.  9,812,476 = _______________________
  11.  4,515,022 = _______________________
  12.  2,161,182 = _______________________
  13.  3,603,470 = _______________________
  14.  5,085,951 = _______________________
  15.  6,362,435 = _______________________
  16.  2,247,234 = _______________________
  17.  4,112,016 = _______________________
  18.  1,180,505 = _______________________
  19.  1,562,377 = _______________________
  20.  6,381,498 = _______________________

II. Round to the nearest ten thousand. 

  1.     678,494 = _______________________
  2.  9,920,108 = _______________________
  3.     481,224 = _______________________
  4.     370,396 = _______________________
  5.  8,133,428 = _______________________
  6.     907,446 = _______________________
  7.     857,720 = _______________________
  8.     139,569 = _______________________
  9.  6,234,444 = _______________________
  10.    212,476 = _______________________
  11.    515,022 = _______________________
  12.  2,161,182 = _______________________
  13.  3,603,470 = _______________________
  14.     185,951 = _______________________
  15.  6,362,435 = _______________________
  16.     247,234 = _______________________
  17.  4,112,016 = _______________________
  18.  1,180,505 = _______________________
  19.  1,562,377 = _______________________
  20.  6,381,498= _______________________